
Battle nations dreadnought
Battle nations dreadnought

battle nations dreadnought

While stationed aboard the vessel, the Star Destroyer had engaged with a Separatist dreadnought, resulting in heavy damage to the Venator and the destruction of the dreadnought.

battle nations dreadnought

In 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jedi General Chiata and her Padawan, Jedi Commander Marseph, were stationed aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer alongside a unit of clone troopers led by a Clone Commander. Eventually, all the clone troopers were killed by the Jedi, who had both succumbed to their wounds, which led to their deaths as well. Amid their search, the Clone Commander and all other troopers received Order 66, which resulted in an attack on Chiata and her Padawan by her troopers. However, the crew of the Star Destroyer managed to survive the crash, but the Jedi General had become separated from her Padawan, Jedi Commander Marseph, which forced her clone troopers to search for him. Although the battle saw the destruction of the dreadnought, Chiata's Star Destroyer had sustained heavy damage in the fighting, which caused it to crash on the planet Zeffo after dropping out of hyperspace. In 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars, a battle was fought between a Galactic Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer commanded by Jedi General Chiata, and a Separatist Alliance dreadnought. You know I'm not going to back down from a fight." ―Clone Commander Despite the damage, I recommend we see this through… together. Unfortunately, the same is true for our vessel. In that context you may also sometimes see 'super-dreadnought' to mean an even bigger ship, still of the same kind to the best of my knowledge this has never referred to any class of ship in Earth history." General Chiata, our forces have inflicted heavy damage to the Separatist Dreadnought. (Of course you can find exceptions to this rule, especially in the minor powers for example the Norwegian coast-defense battleships Eidsvold and Norge, sunk by the Germans in 1940, had been considered quite powerful when they were built in 1899.) You sometimes see 'dreadnought' used to mean 'especially powerful battleship', especially perhaps in military science fiction with space navies, where the distinction is usually one of size - dreadnoughts and battleships are just different sizes of the same kind of ship. However, as time went on, the older battleships were retired, and eventually people used 'battleship' and 'dreadnought' interchangeably because that was basically the only kind of battleship there was. So if this is the context, then a dreadnought is a battleship built after 1905 or so, or alternatively, it is a battleship whose main armament is all one large calibre and with oil-fired turbine engines. It was seen as such a step forward in combat power that from then on, basically all battleships were built to the all-big-gun philosophy, and older battleships got the adjective "pre-Dreadnought". In other words, it was more heavily armoured, more heavily armed, and faster than any other battleship in the world. (Both also had a bunch of small-calibre quick-firing guns for close-in defense, and some torpedo tubes but we're talking about main armament.) Additionally, the Dreadnought had turbine engines fueled with oil, making it faster than previous battleships even though it had more displacement. Earlier battleships had had a mix of gun sizes for their main armament for example, the USS Texas, the first battleship of the US Navy, had 2 twelve-inch and 6 six-inch guns. The difference is the "HMS Dreadnought", a ship built in 1905 in England it marked a departure to a considerably different design philosophy.

battle nations dreadnought

That's also a good description of a dreadnought. A battleship, from "line of battle ship", is a big, heavily armoured ship with a lot of guns, intended to be able to fight anything that floats. However there are some general guidelines. There is no single answer to this, as people use the terms differently in different contexts.

Battle nations dreadnought